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Kazan \ society \ "Charter of the Earth in Tatarstan took place in Tatarstan"


"Charter of the Earth in Tatarstan took place in Tatarstan"

Yestoday presentation of the unique book "Charter of the Earth in Tatarstan » took place at the RT Ministry of ecology and natural resources. Namely, our republic four years ago became the first region of practical application of principles stated in the international document.

In 1987 the World Commission on environment and development of the United Nations made the decision to set up the new document by which main principles of steady development of the world would be formulated. In 1994 under the initiative and support of the Government of Netherlands, Council of the Earth (President M.Strong), the International Green Cross (President M.Gorbachev) and Director General of the UNESCO F.Mayor renewed the international project on development of the Charter of the Earth. The work over the text of the document proceeded six years, thousand experts took part in it, hundreds governmental and non-governmental organizations from many countries. On October 16, 2003 General Conference of the UNESCO officially recognized the Charter of the Earth and addressed to states - participants of this organization with the offer to use it as a tool of the steady development proclaimed by the United Nations.

On April 27, 2001, RT State Council accepted the Resolution (¹722) on the project of the Charter of the Earth, thus, having assigned to Tatarstan the status of first-ever region of practical application of principles stated in the international document. This action took place with participation of the International Commission on Charter of the Earth, delegation of the International Green Cross, Council of the Earth, representatives of National committees on charter from the USA, Australia, Europe, India, countries - participants of the CIS, the international experts in the field of ecology, the right, law and religious figures, representatives of culture and business elite.

Opening presentation of the book « Charter of the Earth in Tatarstan », RT Minister of ecology and natural resources Irina Larochkina has noted, that the international document is a kind of « the declaration of forming civil society which would like to see an image of steady development of the world ». Head of the ministry emphasized, that in our republic there are all conditions that the principles proclaimed in the charter worked.

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