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Books about Kazan

1. Rara Avis: Literary miscellany of LITO «White Crow» (“Rara Avis”) poetry /Compiler N.Akhunova. – Kazan, 2003. – 52 p.

2. Vivat, Academia! Poems /Compiler N.Akhunova. – Kazan: KSMU  Publishing House, 1998. – 70 p.

3. Aglyamov Mudaris. Kan tamirin kistem. – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 2001. – 656 p.

4. Alishev S.Kh. Kazan and Moscow: Intergovernmental Relations in the XV – XVI centuries. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1995. – 160 p.

5. Amirov K.F. Kazan: Where is This Street, Where is This House? Kazan Strets Guide. – Kazan: Kazan, 1995. – 320 p.

6. Afzal Gamil. Gomer kichulere: Shigirler. – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 2000. – 560 p.

7. Akhmadiev Nur. Chakmatash. – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 2000. – 512 p.

8. Akhmed ibn-Fadlan. Akhmed ibn-Fadlan’s Journey to the River Itil. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1999. – 112 p.

9. Akhmerov G.N. Selected Works: Popular scientific edition. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1998. – 240 p.

10. Akhmetzhan Robert. …Zheyaule Kybelek . Kazan: Rukhiyat, 2001. – 432 p.

11. Akhmetzyanov Y.A. Tatar Cuisine. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1961. – 128 p.

12. Valeev Fuad. Tatar National Ornamental Pattern. – Kazan, 2002. – 296 p.

13. The Great Tsar and the Great Prince Peter Alekseevich’s… Decree from June, 19, 1772  TSADA, f.248, op. 14, ¹803. l. 968 ob.

14. Merry Scattering: Tatar National Humour /Compiler G.B.Bashirova. Translation from Tatar by G.Ladonschikova.  The afterword is by  F.Urmancheeva. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1978. – 128 p.

15. Gabdulla Tukay. Photo album. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1986. – 240 p.

16. Devyatikh L.I. Kazan. Forgotten and Unknown: Fiction-publicistic edition. – Kazan: Title, 2002. – 400 p.

17. Dzhalil Musa. Moabit Notebook. Poems /Translation from Tatar. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1963. – 236 p.

18. The Dialogue of Euro-Asian Cultures: The problems of medieval history and archaeology. Study and preservation of historic and cultural heritage./Edited by A.A.Burkhanova. – 2-nd ed. – Kazan: Publishing House TGGI, 2001. – 408 p.

19. Spiritual Culture and the Tatar Intellectuals: historic portraits: Collection of articles for teachers and senior students/Compiler R.M.Mukhametshin – Kazan: Magarif, 2000. – 160 p.

20. Erunov B.G. Kazan Kaleidoscope: made up of the events very serious, simply serious, unserious and funny ones that took place in our city since the mid. of the XIX till the mid. of the ÕÕ centuries /Edited by  K.F. Amirov – Kazan, 2003. – 368 p.

21. Zagidullin I.K. Population census of 1897 and the Tatars of the Kazan Province. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing

22. Zolotarev N.G. The Tsar Ioann IV Vasiljevich, the Conqueror of Kazan. The Review of his Document addressed to the Saint Guriy, the First Kazan and Sviyaga Arch-bishop. – The Kazan Province Bulletin, 1844, ¹ 13. p. 138

23. Zulfat. Yoregemne bilbil chakty. – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 1999. – 416 p.

24. From the Depth of Centuries /Compiler, introductory articles and coments by B.L.Khamidullin. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 2000. – 217 p., with illustr.

25. The History of Tatar ASSR. Edited by D.of History Ì.Ê.Mukharyamov. – Kazan: Tatknigoizdat, 1980. – 256 p. with illustrations.

26. The Story of the Kazan Kingdom by Unknown Author of the XVI Century Based on Two Ancient Lists. St.Petersburg, dependent on the Imperial  Academy of Sciences, 1791. P. 163, 264, ñolumn 69

27. Kazan History. Volume II /Ed. board: Gilmanov Z.I., Zalyalov A.M., Mukharyamov M.K., Nazipova K.A. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1991. – 382 p.

28. Kazan. Photo album /Compiler V.D.Berman. – Ì.: Planet, 1977.

29. Kazan. Illustrated  Social and Political, Historic-Publicistic and Literary-Artistic Magazine /¹8-9. – Kazan, 2004. – 264 p.

30. Kozhevnikova R.Kh. Between Light and Darkness. Poems and translations of different periods. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 2000. – 223 p.

31. Kurbsky A.M. A Story about the Great Moscow Prince (From the «Writings of Prince Kurbsky»)/Imperial archeographic commission edition.— St.Petersburg: Ì.À Aleksandrov’s Printing House, 1913.

32. Le Pti Fute. Guide Book. Kazan. – Ì.: Avangard, 2001. – 112 p.

33. Lisevich M.M. The History of Kazan in Erudite’s Eyes. – Kazan: Title, 2002. – 144 p.

34. Lisevich M.M. The History of Kazan in Erudite’s Eyes. 2-nd ed., revised and suppl. – Kazan: Title, 2000. – 96 p.

35. Malov Å.À. About Tatar Mosques in Russia. From «The Orthodox  Interlocutor». Book ¹12 of 1867 and book ¹1 of 1868, Kazan, University Printing House, 1868. P. 4.

36. Materials on History of the Tatar Nation /Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. The Humanities Department. G.Ibragimov Languages, Literature and History Institute. Ðåäêîë.: Alishev R.Kh., Zakiev M.Z., Urmancheev F.I., Khasanov M.Kh.– Kazan, 1995. – 496 p.

37. Minnullin Robert. Ainin tatli yaktisy. – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 2001. – 384 p.

38. The Youth of the Ancient City /Edited by. E.A.Vagapov. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1978. – 272 p.

39. Mustafin R.À. Ancient and Ever Young: Literary Portraits of Tatar Poets. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1991. – 240 p.

40. Nasiry Kayum. Selected Works. Translation from Tatar. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1977. – 256 p., portrait.

42. Essays on the History of Tatar Social Reflection. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 2000. – 191 p. with illustr.

43. Podolskaya Ì. Morning at the Pushkinskaya. Poems. Arkhireev G. Paintings. – Kazan: Terra-Consulting, 1998. – 184 p.

44. The Portrait of the Epoch. The Second Regional Festival Photo-Contest. Catalogue. – Kazan, 2002. – 56 p.

45. Pokhlebkin V.V. The Tatars and Russia. 360 years of relations between Russia and Tatar states in the XIII-XVI centuries, 1238-1598. (From the battle at the river Sit till the subdual of Siberia). Manual. – Ì.: Internat. Relations, 2000. – 192 p.

46. The Correspondence of the Russian Empress Catherine II and Mr. Volter, that lasted from 1763 till 1778. Part two. Ì., 1803. P. 1-2, 101-103.

47. Rakhim Garay. Sabantuy of My Dream. – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 2003. – 416 p.

48. Russian Chronicles based on Nikonov List, part VII, St.Petersburg, 1791. P.82, 86, 98, 222, 287.

49. Sadry Ì.À. Turkic History and Law. Translation from Turkish by R.Mukhammetdinov. – Kazan: Publishing House «Fen», 2002. – 412 p.

50. Saitov Z.Z. Russian – Tatar Phrase-Book. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1983. – 128 p.

51. Sibgat Khakim: Literary-artistic edition /collection (in Tatar). – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 2001. – 184 p.

52. Soviet Tatarstan. Photo album /Compiler F.Gubaev. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1980.

53. Suleimanova R. Tormish, isenme! – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 1998. – 512 p.

54. Sultanbekov B.F.  History in Person. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1997. – 128 p., with illustr.

55. Taktash Khady. Letters to the Future. Poems /Translation from Tatar by L.Martinov. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1971. – 208 p.

56. Three Doves. Fairy-tales of the people of Bashkiria, Tataria and Chuvashia.. – Translation from  Bashkir, Tatar and Chuvash. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1990. – 447 p.

57. Tukay.G. Selected. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1978. – 272 p.

58. Thosand and One Mezek: Short Humorous Stories /Translation form Tatar by I.Zakonov. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1990. – 320 p.

59. Fakhrutdinov R.G. The History of the Tatars and Tatarstan: Text-book for public schools, gymnasia and lyceums. P. I. – Kazan: Magarif, 1995. – 255 p.

60. Khairullina S. I don’t Like to Play with Words. Collection of poems. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1997. – 107 p.

61. Khairullina S.  The God and Chi in Kazan. Collection o methodic materials /Ed. board: Larionova T.P., Mavrina L.N., Tsiptsina L.R. – Kazan, 1996. – 71 p.

62. Khalikov A.Kh. The Mongols, the Tatars, The Golden Horde and Bulgary: Popular schience edition – Kazan: Publishing House «Fen», 1994. – 164 p.

63. Khalim Aidar. Tilergen siren. – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 2003. – 608 p.

64. Khalit Niyaz. Mosque and its Architecture: Brief  Historic-Architectural Essay. Saifullina Guzel. Minaret and Azan: Essay. – Kazan: Publishing House «Iman», 1994. – 80 p.

65. Khalitov N.Kh. The Architecture of Kazan Mosqies. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 1991. – 191 p.

66. Kharis R.M. Enter My House: Poetry /Translation from Tatar. – Ì.: Young Guards, 1980. – 191 p., illustr.

67. Khudyakov M.G. Essays on the History of the Kazan Khanate, 3-rd edition, supplemented. – Ì.: INSAN, Minor Nations Culture Preservation and Development Soviet, SFC, 1991. – 320 p.: illustr.

68. Khuzin F.Sh., Piskarev V.I. Tatarstan History: School-book for the 6-th form of public schools. – Kazan: Tatar Republic Publishing House «Kheter» (TaRIKH), 2004. – 95p.

69. Khuzin F.Sh. Medieval Kazan. – Kazan: Tatar Publishing House, 2004. – 76 p.

70. Yuzeev R.I. Don’t be afraid. Poems. – Publishing House «Civilization», 2000. – 112 p.


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