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Kazan city life

  • R.Shaikhelislamov: "Day of September, 1 is symbol of kind undertakings..."
    Today - the All-Russia day of the knowledge, the first day of new academic year. The RT Minister of Education and sciences Rais Shaikhelislamov addressed with a greeting to the colleagues-teachers on this occasion...
  • The cup of the President of RF was flavoured with the national cuisine
    The cup of the President of RF was flavoured with the national cuisineIn the President of the RF cup-race English racehorse Lumborn, belonging to the Tatarstan stud farm came the first. The main prize - 5 million rubles stayed in Tatarstan thanks to the horse that for the first time...
  • Vladimir Putin arrived in Kazan
    Vladimir Putin arrived in KazanJust at the international airport "Kazan" the plane of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has landed. The head of the state at a gangway of the plane was met by President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev...
  • M.Shamiev and V.Matvienko discussed prospects...
    M.Shamiev and V.Matvienko discussed prospects... Kazan Kremlin, President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev and governor of Saint Petersburg Valentina Matvienko discussed prospects of cooperation between the two subjects of the Russian Federation. On the part of Saint Petersburg...
  • RT President will celebrate distinguished grain-growers of Tatarstan
    RT President will celebrate distinguished grain-growers of TatarstanAugust 30, on day of celebrating the 1000-anniversary of Kazan the most successful regions in harvesting grain will report RT President Mintimer Shaimiev on results of their work. Such form of encouragement is prepared for the farmers of...
  • To the 1000-anniversary of Kazan city streets and suburban woods to be cleaned off
    To the 1000-anniversary of Kazan city streets and suburban woods to be cleaned offPre-jubilee Kazan diligently is "cleaning the plumelets". The public services of nature protection complex supervising total clearing of rubbish of all administrative areas of Kazan and suburban woods actively participate...
  • Tatars from Australia arrived in Kazan for anniversary celebrations
    Tatars from Australia arrived in Kazan for anniversary celebrationsYesterday the meeting with delegation of Tatars from the Australia took place in the office of magazine "Suyumbike". They have arrived for participation in celebrating the 1000-anniversary of Kazan. During the conversation...
  • International hemodialysis center to open in Kazan
    On August 17, the Dutch company "Euromedic International N.V" is going to open International hemodialysis center in Kazan located in the building of Inter-regional clinic-diagnostic center. We remind that at the end of last year...
  • Objects of the 1000-anniversary are ready by more than 90 percent
    Objects of the 1000-anniversary are ready by more than 90 percentToday the RT Ministry of construction, architecture, housing and utulities organized detour of the 1000-anniversary objects for the jounalists to appraise their readiness for anniversary of Kazan. Representatives of mass-media of the...
  • M.Shaimiev and A.Kudrin discussed intermediate results of preparation for the 1000-anniversary of Kazan
    M.Shaimiev and A.Kudrin discussed intermediate results of preparation for the 1000-anniversary of KazanResults of preparation for anniversary events in the capital were discussed today in the Kazan Kremlin by President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev and Minister of Finance of Russia Alexei Kudrin. The program of preparation for the 1000-anniversary of Kazan...
  • Страницы:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 

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