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Kazan society

  • Ultrasonic - Gift to Children`s Cardio -Dispensary of Kazan from Welfare Fund
    Ultrasonic - Gift to Children`s Cardio -Dispensary of Kazan from Welfare FundThe modern room of ultrasonic diagnostics has opened today in children's branch of the Kazan city cardio-logical clinic. The ultrasonic device with color mapping allows to diagnose up to 80-90 percent of all cardiovascular diseases for children. If to take...
  • Election commission of Kazan municipality appointed elections of deputies on October 16
    Election commission of Kazan municipality appointed elections of deputies on October 16The election commission of Kazan municipality has accepted two resolutions, one of the published documents determines the date of elections of deputies of representative body of municipal formation...
  • Main Version of Fire in office building of FSB on RT - burn-up of electric cable is considered
    Main Version of Fire in office building of FSB on RT - burn-up of electric cable is consideredThe fire occurured today in the morning in office building of FSB on RT, by complexity has been determined by number four. Such complex fires in Kazan have not occurred since the beginning of 90th years when burned buildings of railway...
  • Will Japanese capital investment come to Tatarstan?
    Will Japanese capital investment come to Tatarstan? A recent visit to Kazan of Mr. Akikusa, the Japanese concern Fujitsu’s chairman of board of directors, caused great interest in the business circles of the republic. It’s quite easy to explain: such important people (the company Fujitsu is one of the three
  • Tatarstan placed Eurobonds of $250 mln
    Tatarstan placed Eurobonds of $250 mln“Edel Capital” company, which obligations are guarantied by JSC “Svyazinvestneftekhim” and Republic of Tatarstan, has placed Eurobonds of $250 mln with annual interest 7.7%. Invest bank “Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein”, who acted as a lead-manager...
  • Kamil Iskhakov’s Wishes don’t Coincide with the Intentions of Aleksiy II
    Kamil Iskhakov’s Wishes don’t Coincide with the Intentions of Aleksiy IIThe Moscow patriarchate indicated to the Kazan Mayor that he hastened with the statement about the return of the icon of the Kazan God Mother to the place where it was found on July, 21...
  • Moscow celebrated Sabantui
    Moscow celebrated SabantuiJuly 3 in Moscow, at horse-racing complex "Bitza" Sabantui - 2005 devoted to the 60-anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic war and the 1000-anniversary of Kazan was held . In festive actions...
  • Number of Tatarstan officials will be cut by quarter
    Number of Tatarstan officials will be cut by quarterNumber of state employees in the ministries and departments of the republic is planned to reduce by 1900 persons. This was told today at Internet - conference in "Tatar -Inform" agency -informed RT first deputy minister of economy and industry...
  • R.Minnikhanov: "Problems of maternity and childhood in our republic are ones of priority"
    R.Minnikhanov: On June, 29 the second maternity clinic, in which 58 future mums can be placed at a time opened in Nizhnekamsk. From budgets of different levels on construction...
  • F.Mukhametshin Discussed Issues of Mutual Relations with USA Ambassador
    F.Mukhametshin Discussed Issues of Mutual Relations with USA Ambassador Chairman of RT State Council Farid Mukhametshin recieved Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador USA to the Russian Federation Alexander Vershbow. In the meeting took part RT minister of culture Zilya Valeyeva...
  • Ñòðàíèöû:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 

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