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Kazan \ science and education \

Kazan science and education

  • A student Cinema-marathon “We choose life” is held in Kazan
    A student Cinema-marathon “We choose life” is held in KazanA student Cinema-marathon “We choose life” organized by RT Culture Ministry Cinematography department and several Kazan state universities...
  • Kazan State University and Sorbonne signed a Collaboration Treaty
    Kazan State University and Sorbonne signed a Collaboration TreatyAs the official KSU web site reports, a Collaboration Treaty between Kazan State University and University I Paris in Sorbonne was signed at the end of October during a visit of KSU...
  • An international scientific-practical conference on modern ultrasonic technoligies
    An international scientific-practical conference on modern ultrasonic technoligiesAn international conference “VISUS” on application matters of three-dimensional echography in ultrasonic diagostics will be held on October 28-29 in the interregional diagnostic center. The organizers of the conference are...
  • Potential of education from the standpoint...
    Potential of education from the standpoint...III All-Russia scientific-practical conference “Realization of pedagogic potential of liberal education in the light of Russia’s entering Bologna process...
  • One can obtain access to theses of the Russian state library in KSU scientific library
    One can obtain access to theses of the Russian state library in KSU scientific libraryThe official site of Kazan state university reports that the university obtained access to an e-library of the Russian state library. The theses upheld in 1998-2003 on...
  • A museum-educational program started in the “Hermitage-Kazan” center in Kazan
    A museum-educational program started in the “Hermitage-Kazan” center in KazanA press-conference on presentation of hermitage lecture-hall and educational computer center took place in the “Hermitage-Kazan” museum-educational center. A new museum academic year full of meetings, lectures...
  • On International Teacher`s day at KRK "Pyramida"...
    On International Teacher`s day at KRK About thousand school teachers and university lecturers from regions and cities of Tatarstan will gather at the hall of KRK "Pyramid" to honor International Teacher's Day. The RT Minister of...
  • 1500 schools of Tatarstan take part in All-Russia Internet - teachers` meeting
    1500 schools of Tatarstan take part in All-Russia Internet - teachers` meetingAll education establishments of Tatarstan connected to the Internet will take part in scientific - practical conference "All Russian Internet - teacher's meeting which is to be held from...
  • In the conference "Language and culture" held in Moscow took part scientists from Tatarstan
    In the conference The III International conference "Language and culture" took place in Institute of foreign languages in Moscow from September 23 to September 26. In the forum organized by the Academy of sciences of the...
  • Physicists from Russia the U.S.A. and Poland have gathered for international symposium in Kazan
    Physicists from Russia the U.S.A. and Poland have gathered for international symposium in KazanToday in the Kazan physico-technical institute named after Zavoisky the international symposium " Modern development of magnetic resonance " will have opened. In scientific...
  • Ñòðàíèöû:  1  2  3  4 

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